You Did What??

I tore the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), the medial meniscus in my right knee on 6-2-09 when I slipped/fell backward off a 10" step. A microfracture of the femoral condyle was also discoverd. I felt a very painful pop on impact and another pop when up-righting myself again. It's a very common injury to both pro and weekend warrior athletes. I tore the meniscus in this same knee in 2007. I'm an active woman and a delivery person for a major company so it is imperative that I'm 100%. This is the story of my ACL surgery on August 18, 2009. To start reading from the beginning click and at the bottom of the page there is a "newer post" link.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Preparing for Post Op Leg Elevation

I'm a creator, by nature, so I tend to make a lot of stuff. Since I've already been through knee surgery three times... YES THREE! I've learned a lot. And one of the most important things they tell you to do is to elevate; they just don't give you any advise as to how to elevate. No I'm not a retard and realize that pillows are nice and soft and elevate; however, until you've tried really doing it when you can't get around well you quickly learn that this is not such an easy task. For one thing, pillows weren't meant to be stacked and they sort of roll off each other especially if you are really elevating with your knee above your heart as it's suppose to be. In addition to the pillows rolling off on their own before you can get your leg hoisted and comfortably planted, while your laying there relaxing any sudden movement can cause your leg to cause those stacked pillows to roll away again. Pain in the butt! This is the most annoying thing ever so I decided I'd build something that would really give me elevation and be comfortable. Sooooo....

This is my latest "handy work"! This dandy was made from scrap materials around the house and will hopefully give me comfort while I sleep while elevating my leg after knee surgery tomorrow. The rise is 28 degrees or 15". It consists of a piece of plywood covered by 2 layers of egg carton padding and two layers of material. Sure one layer of material might have been enough, but I wanted to make sure it breathed ok plus the red stuff is a knit and stretches. The material is folded under at the corners and stapled in place on the underside. The legs are glued and screwed with a quick layer of hand rubbed polyurethane (mostly to prevent splinters and damage to the bed/sheets. As an afterthought, I decided that I didn't like the way the legs poked the bed so I added the flat platform that they sit on; again I stapled the fabric and screwed the legs to the platform. The blue flower-print box that looks like a brick is a floral foam brick and it pinned to the elevation platform. The brick is suppose to keep my right foot from falling outward while sleeping which will put pressure on the knee and thus wake sleeping beauty up. I did say I pinned it because I'm not sure how well it will perform. At any rate, I'm sure this will be way better than trying to stuff pillows under the knee and having my leg roll off it. Ya know I could probably make some money off this design!

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