You Did What??

I tore the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), the medial meniscus in my right knee on 6-2-09 when I slipped/fell backward off a 10" step. A microfracture of the femoral condyle was also discoverd. I felt a very painful pop on impact and another pop when up-righting myself again. It's a very common injury to both pro and weekend warrior athletes. I tore the meniscus in this same knee in 2007. I'm an active woman and a delivery person for a major company so it is imperative that I'm 100%. This is the story of my ACL surgery on August 18, 2009. To start reading from the beginning click and at the bottom of the page there is a "newer post" link.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day 12

Today I noticed that I can bend my knee just a little bit more than yesterday without significant pain. I regress, once I bent it several times that little bit more than I bent it yesterday I was able to bend it to that point more easily on say the 10th bend. This is good!

The swelling is about the same; I wasn't very good about icing today as I've been on the computer rather than lounging on the couch. I could tell it wasn't happy about that, but after sitting with the compression and the cold water circulating around it, it felt much better. I think the bruising has ran its course.

The brace is becoming annoying though, I think the foam padding is not as cushy as it used to be and in order to keep the brace from sliding down my leg onto the top of my foot I have to cinch it really tight, which then causes a constriction of blood. I haven't come up with a good solution for this... yet.

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