You Did What??

I tore the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), the medial meniscus in my right knee on 6-2-09 when I slipped/fell backward off a 10" step. A microfracture of the femoral condyle was also discoverd. I felt a very painful pop on impact and another pop when up-righting myself again. It's a very common injury to both pro and weekend warrior athletes. I tore the meniscus in this same knee in 2007. I'm an active woman and a delivery person for a major company so it is imperative that I'm 100%. This is the story of my ACL surgery on August 18, 2009. To start reading from the beginning click and at the bottom of the page there is a "newer post" link.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How I feel - First 24 hours

Since I got of surgery at 10am I'll count from there:
  • 3.25 hours (1:15pm) - I'm home. My right leg is dead and when I touch my foot it just feels like a slab of warm meat. I cannot even wiggle my toes. It's difficult to raise my leg forward when using the crutches without dragging my toes; this is something I've tried to avoid since my toes will kind of stick then I lose my balance a little bit. I can't straighten my ankle; it turns inward. Like I said.... dead meat! I cannot feel my lower butt on the surgery side and the top of my thigh is numb all the way over to my hoo-ha. This is all because of the nerve block.
  • 5 hours (3:00pm) - I finally get the energy to address the whole icing thing. I can't feel my leg and it flopped over like a dead fish when I moved it onto the icing pad; this was rather freaky. I can't feel the ice but I leave the ice machine running for about an hour. Of course I have to pee near the end of the icing and haven't put the brace back on before. I realize that I shouldn't have detached the Velcroed on foam from the metal bracing and it takes me way too long to get the thing put back together. Once I finally untangled all the Velcro straps I couldn't tell how tight to pull them since I couldn't feel my leg. Being pre-bucket I had to get down the stairs and to the bathroom without pissing myself. This was also pre-2-crutches time so I had to take the crutches down the stairs with me. By the time I made it back up the stairs with crutches in tote, I discovered that there was quite a bit of blood coming through the gauze and ace. I watched it for a while and after 10 minutes it hadn't spread all that much so I wasn't too concerned but am keeping my eye on it. I have not removed the sterile bandages and am not supposed to until Thursday.
This is the IV hook up to my pelvic area. That tape is gonna hurt coming off! I'll be using some goo-gone or something.

This is the pump that delivers the medication

This is the brace. There's another hinge dial on the other side

Oops, this is a bloody mess after that first emergency pee!

This is the cooling and compressing machine

This is the cooling machine wrapped around
  • 9 hours - I take an Oxycontin
  • 9.5 - I can just barely move my toes back and forth
  • 10.5 hours - I can feel my right buttock
  • 11 hours- I'm fading in and out of loopiness feeling
  • 13 hours - I can move my toes back and forth a little more and am regaining some feeling.I go to bed
  • 15.75 hours - I had to pee, I'm glad I slept with the brace on or I'd have never made it! I can now turn my ankle and am pretty much feeling all of my foot now.
  • 19 hours- There's mild pain in the knee area; I can totally feel my thigh and buttock. I guess the blocker has worn off.
  • 20 hours - pretty much feeling a lot now. Haven't been elevating though since I've been on the computer. Going to get in the icer :O
  • 23 hours - Feeling sleepy; going to lie down in bed

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