You Did What??

I tore the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), the medial meniscus in my right knee on 6-2-09 when I slipped/fell backward off a 10" step. A microfracture of the femoral condyle was also discoverd. I felt a very painful pop on impact and another pop when up-righting myself again. It's a very common injury to both pro and weekend warrior athletes. I tore the meniscus in this same knee in 2007. I'm an active woman and a delivery person for a major company so it is imperative that I'm 100%. This is the story of my ACL surgery on August 18, 2009. To start reading from the beginning click and at the bottom of the page there is a "newer post" link.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

5 Weeks and 2 Days - The therapist and Ortho Follow Up

I'm switching physical therapists. On Monday when I had PT I swear my pt guy checked on me once! I'm not saying that I need someone to watch over me the entire time I'm there, but good grief that is ridiculous. It's not as if the place was full in fact there may have been 6 patients there and 3 physical therapists. I was not told what exercises to do, how many reps and sets to do of the ones I took upon myself to do, nor guidance if I was doing them wrong. When I was done doing all the exercises I could remember I'd done on Friday I went over to the Game Ready to ice. I hooked it up but couldn't figure out how to get it to start. Alvin came by and I asked him if he'd start it since "it was a self-serve day". Alvin suggested that if I was aggravated with Drew to switch therapists. Well, I didn't want to piss anyone off; and I do think Drew is knowledgeable.... he's just never around! But at the same time it's my recovery and I don't need any more instances of things happening with unsupervised exercises. Like Monday when I pretty much fell off the treadmill when my leg did this catch/pop thing or when I'm doing that crane walk and a large woman with swaying hips knocks me over as I'm standing on one leg. Anyway, on my way out I stopped at the front desk and told the ladies I'd like to switch. They were very helpful and I'm being transitioned into Alvin's schedule.

Tuesday I saw Anna, one of the assistant therapists. I don't know if they know what went down and why I'm switching, but I'm sure if they did Anna understood what I was talking about by the end of the day. For instance at one point she said I was going to do the leg press next and said "You did 45 pounds yesterday, right?" To which I replied, "Um, no I didn't do those yesterday. I might have done them on Friday, but definitely not yesterday. There was no list of things I was supposed to do and Drew didn't tell me to do them; actually he didn't tell me anything yesterday."

I'm the patient; I chose to go to that facility. I expect at least some guidance from the therapist especially in the early weeks. I feel better having switched; actually I feel sore probably because I did things the right way for the first time since going there.

I saw my orthopedic surgeon today. Actually I saw him on Sunday as I lay on the couch watching Fox 2 News in the morning. One of the newscasters is being featured in Hour Magazine and when she held up the magazine to the camera there was my ortho on the front cover. Cool.

Anyway, it was a brief encounter. He came in and looked at my knee and stated "I'm jealous". He had torn his ACL playing football 20 years ago and the surgery was way different back then plus he's a phenomenal doctor. I had written down some questions to ask him; most of which were to cma with the insurance company. Here's the list:

Q. I've been weaning myself off the brace; when can I ditch it?
A. Now. You don't need it anymore.

Q. What about the "sport" brace I've been told I'll be fitted for?
A. We don't get you into that until about 3 months out.

Q. Can I swim?
A. Yes and bike.

Q. So yes I can bike
A. Yes.

Q. Although it might be a little much now, but can I use the elliptical?
A. That might be a little much, but you can test it.

Q. Can I mow the grass once I start walking better?
A. Yes.

Q. Can I rake the leaves?
A. Unfortunately yes.

Q. So gardening/yard work in general is ok so long as I'm not causing pain?
A. Yes.

Q. Can I shovel the snow?
A. You're getting a little ahead of yourself aren't you. Yes.
(it is Michigan after all)

Q. I watched a youtube video of ACL surgery; do I have screws in there?
A. Yes, but they are naturally soluble.
Q. So I don't have to worry about airports or (knocked on wall) another MRI.
A. Nope, and let's hope you never need another MRI. (no shit)

That pretty much summed it up. It looks pretty good I think; although we both agreed that my quad is pretty pathetic looking. There is some mild swelling and it still feels stiff. I do have this little catch part that I hope will go away once the swelling is really gone. He tested the strength of the acl and seemed satisfied. I see him again on November 4.

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