You Did What??

I tore the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), the medial meniscus in my right knee on 6-2-09 when I slipped/fell backward off a 10" step. A microfracture of the femoral condyle was also discoverd. I felt a very painful pop on impact and another pop when up-righting myself again. It's a very common injury to both pro and weekend warrior athletes. I tore the meniscus in this same knee in 2007. I'm an active woman and a delivery person for a major company so it is imperative that I'm 100%. This is the story of my ACL surgery on August 18, 2009. To start reading from the beginning click and at the bottom of the page there is a "newer post" link.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Have I mentioned yet what a difference there is in this recovery than last? Well, if I haven't; it's seriously night and day. Oh yeah, I guess it does help your recovery when you don't mess up the ACL the first day after surgery. I don't even want to look back at my log entry for 2 months out after the first reconstruction.

I now have the functional brace and it is working out quite well. It's rather lightweight and actually pretty comfortable. It's in Detroit Tiger colors; blue on the top and orange on the bottom. I feel for the Don Joy rep taking my measurements and order; you just can't hand a woman a brochure with 20 colors in matte and gloss with the possibilities of mixing and matching colors and expect her to decide on the spot!

Therapy is still going quite well. Two days ago I did my first "agility" exercise. I call them agility exercises because there is faster movement. The exercise was the cones. Place 8 small cones in a stack. Pick one off and shuffle sideways about 15' down and set the cone down. Then shuffle sideways back and get another cone. Repeat. I went back and forth 4 times (or two laps as we like to call it). I almost tripped on the last shuffle which I'll chalk up to a bit of fatigue. Hey, I even broke a sweat during this one! That hasn't happened in a long time from exercise. Oh how I long to feel the crustiness of dried salt on my face!

My quad is coming along very nicely. I was sore all last week due to a new exercise - lunges. It's certainly not up to par, but looking much better and able to take more lunging without intense soreness.

I have just a minor bit of pain with going down stairs; it's not too bad, but I'm not sure what an entire day of delivering packages will do to it. Most of the pain I have is from straightening my leg all the way while standing straight up on it. This is not something that I do even at home, only at PT, so I'm not foreseeing any real problems from this. My PT has been working over my knee cap though with stretching it in all directions to help loosen it up. He thinks the tight knee cap is causing the pain.

So all is going as planned if not better. In light of this and the fact that I'm sick of dealing with the insurance company, I've decided to go out to California with my husband who is running Western States.

Full force ahead!

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